Pizzabox Popup Catalogue

This years catalogue for the Interface Culture Exhibition on the Ars Electronica Festival was done in collaboration with my colleague Vesela Mihalova and me. Following her visual guideline a concept for the catalogue was developed which reflected this year’s motto of Interface Culture.
The idea was to provide a playful approach to exploring the exhibition and keeping a unique souvenir of it. A pizzabox which could be turned into a selfmade popup book seemed unique enough.
Thus for every exhibited project an A5 flyer was provided. One half contained the piece’s description, the other half a representative picture fit for cutting out.
The cut-out could then be placed into the pizzabox. With the collected flyers, some creativity and patience the catalogue could be built directly in the exhibition space.
If one did not feel like building right away, the pizzabox prooved to be an exzellent vessel for all the literature one collected during the day.
The work was presented during the Ars Electronica Festival 2010 in Linz. covered the project in the introduction of the exhibition walkthrough here.
A prototype to proof the concept